Mewing’s Unseen Dangers: A Blalock Orthodontics Insight into Oral Health Impacts

Mewing, a concept popularized by Dr. John Mew, involves maintaining a specific tongue posture believed to enhance facial aesthetics by reshaping the facial structure, particularly the jawline. Despite its growing popularity on various social media platforms, concerns have been raised by dental professionals about its potential hazards, especially concerning dental health. Blalock Orthodontics provides an in-depth look into the risks associated with mewing, focusing on its impact on teeth and overall oral hygiene.

Potential for Teeth Misalignment

A primary concern raised by Blalock Orthodontics is the risk of teeth misalignment due to mewing. The technique encourages pressing the tongue against the roof of the mouth, which, if done improperly, can exert uneven pressure on the teeth. Over time, this can lead to their gradual movement, potentially causing bite issues and misalignment. Such changes not only affect one’s smile aesthetically but can also complicate chewing and lead to uneven wear on teeth, escalating to more severe dental issues.

Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Disorders

TMJ disorders arise from problems with the jaw, jaw joint, and surrounding facial muscles. Blalock Orthodontics highlights that incorrect mewing practices can place excessive stress on the TMJ, potentially leading to pain, difficulty in jaw movement, and a clicking sound when the mouth is opened or closed. These disorders can significantly affect one’s quality of life and may require professional intervention to treat.

Gum Recession and Periodontal Concerns

Another risk associated with mewing, as outlined by Blalock Orthodontics, is the potential for gum recession and other periodontal diseases. Incorrect tongue posture can apply harmful pressure to the gums, leading to recession, where the gum line pulls away from the teeth. This not only increases sensitivity but also exposes the teeth to a higher risk of decay and provides a haven for bacteria, leading to more serious gum diseases.

Enamel Erosion

The persistent pressure and friction from the tongue against the teeth can also wear down the enamel, the protective outer layer of the teeth. Once eroded, enamel cannot regenerate, leaving teeth vulnerable to cavities, decay, and increased sensitivity. Blalock Orthodontics stresses the importance of maintaining healthy enamel to protect oral health.

The Role of Professional Guidance

Blalock Orthodontics advises caution and professional consultation for anyone considering or currently practicing mewing. Orthodontic and dental professionals are equipped with the necessary expertise to guide individuals through safe practices that won’t compromise dental health. They can offer personalized advice and treatment plans that align with each individual’s unique dental structure and health needs.


While the premise of mewing as a non-invasive technique to enhance facial structure is appealing, Blalock Orthodontics underscores the importance of recognizing its potential dental health hazards. Misalignment, TMJ disorders, gum recession, and enamel erosion are serious concerns that warrant professional attention. Blalock Orthodontics advocates for a cautious approach to mewing, emphasizing the value of professional advice and intervention to ensure the health and safety of one’s oral hygiene practices.